Google Drive
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service. Google Drive allows users to store files in the cloud, synchronize files across devices, and share files.
Explore Drive Features Below
Drive Walkthrough.mp4
Quick Walkthrough - Drive
Duration: 3:48
Sharing & Permission.mp4
Understanding Sharing & Permissions
Duration: 5:01
Priority In Drive.mp4
Usage of Priority In Google Drive
Duration: 5:25
Creating Shared Drive.mp4
Creating Shared Drive*
Duration: 3:33
Shared Drive Permissions.mp4
Shared Drive Access Level
Duration: 3:43
Shared Drive Settings.mp4
Shared Drive Settings
Duration: 5:14
Deleting Shared Drive.mp4
Deleting Shared Drive
Duration: 2:20
Drive Offline.mp4
Drive Offline
Duration: 4:28
*Shared Drive is applicable only in selected editions